A Vital and Empowering
Prayer Ministry
by Rosalie A. van Putten
From the beginning of the 57th General
Conference Session in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, a prayer vigil was held in a
room located in the North Building of the Metro Toronto Convention Center.
Under the direction of Ruthie Jacobson, prayer coordinator for the North
American Division, prayer was offered continuously 24 hours a day throughout the
entire session.
day, two of the world divisions were assigned to conduct the prayer sessions.
Division, union and conference presidents, and other workers, as well as laity
from every point on the globe were represented in the prayer group. It was encouraging
to see the amount of men and women from so many diverse cultures coming
together, holding hands and petitioning the Lord for His guidance and direction
concerning the sessions.
Also available in the prayer room was
literature regarding prayer, including the books Communion with God—a
Devotional guide for the School of Prayer which is produced by the
Ministerial Association of the General Conference, and Kneeling on the
Promises, written by Ruthie Jacobsen. These books, as well as other literature
were an additional source of encouragement and enrichment to the prayer life of
those who attended and took part in this vital and empowering prayer ministry.
Photos should be available in the package of photos.