Don Schneider—The New NAD President

by Jean Thomas


               Don Schneider, newly elected North American Division president, comes with a background of 36 years of denominational experience working as a pastor, departmental director, conference and union president. But he doesn’t take the church structure too seriously.

               “The North American Division is part of the structure of the church, and that is important,” he said. “But it is not as important as the people in the Division. The important part is whether people know Jesus and whether they know how to share Him with others.”

               Schneider comes to the Division from the Lake Union, where he has been president since 1994. He also has been president of the Northern California, Rocky Mountain, Arkansas‑Louisiana, New Jersey, and Wyoming conferences and worked as a departmental director and pastor.

               Schneider told a compelling story about the Sunday night of his election as Division president, “The nominating committee procedure is for the delegates in each division to caucus to vote on names. The voting, which is done by mechanical means, displays the percentage votes on the screen for everyone to see.

               “I looked up at the screen and realized that the percentage beside my name indicated I would be the nominee. Right there I bowed my head and gave my life to the Lord again, because I knew that in my strength I do not have the wisdom to do this great work.”

               Schneider says he comes from a simple family background. “I don’t know why I should be given the opportunity to serve in this capacity; however, I want God to lead since He is the one who has called me.”


Jean Thomas is the editor of the Southwestern Union Record


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