Session Delegates
Consider Divorce/Remarriage
by Olson Perry
Delegates to the 57th General
Conference Session discussed a proposed revision to the “Divorce and
Remarriage” section of the Seventh-day Adventist Church Manual. After
two days of debate, and suggestions for modification, an action was taken to
table the proposed document for further revision by the Church Manual
Committee. On the final day of business, South Pacific Division delegate, Garry
Hodgkin, president of the South New Zealand Conference, made a motion to
rescind the action taken two days earlier “to return the document for further
revision, and accept the recommendations made to the Church Manual committee.”
In a second motion, Hodgkin proposed accepting the document in its entirety, including
the amendments voted the first day of discussion to the first section of the
document. Both actions passed unanimously.
The document more clearly defines
causes for divorce, such as “abandonment by an unbelieving spouse” and
“physical violence.” It does not alter the Church’s previous position on
divorce and remarriage. As stated in the Church Manual, the only allowance for
remarriage is adultery/fornication, which now includes “incest and child sexual
abuse,” as well as homosexual practices.
The document allows divorce and
remarriage when one’s spouse commits adultery/fornication. The amendment also
includes “abandonment by an unbelieving spouse”
(1 Cor. 7:10-15) as
cause for divorce, but not remarriage unless the spouse commits
adultery/fornication. Likewise, physical violence is cause for separation or
divorce, but not remarriage.
Lowell Cooper, General Conference
vice president, said, “We do not have a perfect document.” He said, “It does
not answer every question. We are trying to affirm an ideal, while at the same
time recognizing situations that are much less than ideal. But this will be a
significant step forward.”
Delegates argued that the
document doesn’t go far enough, questioning why unfaithfulness to the marriage
vow was limited to adultery/fornication. John Fowler, associate director of the
General Conference, emphasized, “Part of the marriage vow is to ‘love, honor,
and cherish. Physically abusing one’s spouse is a breaking of the marriage
Others questioned how to
determine and prove physical abuse. Some disagreed with abandonment by an
unbelieving spouse as cause for divorce. “1 Corinthians 7:10-15 does not
convincingly support abandonment as a reason for divorce,” said Tunde Ojewole
of the African-Indian Ocean division. “Abandonment for how long? One week? One
month? One year?”
“This text did get a lot of
discussion,” explained Lowell Cooper, General Conference vice president and
chair of the Church Manual Committee, “but it survived the scrutiny of the
Church’s theologians.”
During the 1995 General
Conference Session an action was voted that the World Church reconsider its
position on divorce and remarriage as expressed in the Church Manual. An
international commission submitted its report to the General Conference
Administrative Committee, which sent it to the Church Manual Committee.
Olson Perry is the editor of Southern Tidings.